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Welcome to Our Monthly WOW Gal Magazine!

 Celebrates the "WOW Gal"  in Every Woman.

This Month's  


WOW Gal...

When I was in the final year of my master’s program to become a mental health therapist, I worked full time during the overnight shift at a residential unit that served people who had suffered a brain injury...

The beginning of my shift started when the residents were getting ready for bed or watching their evening TV program. I would start my shift socializing with the residents and help them get ready for bed or to plan their next day. 

During the overnight hours I would clean the whole residence top to bottom, assist anyone who had woken up in the night, and then I would have some time throughout the night to complete my studies for my college classes I was taking. Towards the end of my shift residents would wake up and I would help them with breakfast, plan their day, and socialize with them. 

One day my company had a meeting stating that they would like overnight staff to do everything in their power to make sure residents get enough sleep at night because they were noticing residents having trouble being productive in their day. This meant if a resident wanted to stay up late, we were to try to persuade them to go to bed, make sure they don’t have caffeine or sugar late at night. If they woke up early, we were to coax them back to bed and make sure they didn’t take in any caffeine or sugar after they woke up while we are coaxing them back to bed. 

One morning a gentleman woke up at 3:30am... Read Leah's inspiring Story...

Our Mission is... To Lift Each Heart As ONE and Watch it Bloom As Many, Many Beautiful Flowers... which when Nurtured remain in Full Bloom  in life and after.  Each Month We Will Feature One Woman of Worth / WOW Gal  Her Struggle(s), Her Transformation(s), Her Success(es) in Personal &/or Business Life. We also have a monthly feature on a WOW Gal Angel & Pet Angel & WOW Review. 

WOW GAL Angel Tributes Criteria
WOW PET Angel Tributes Criteria

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 Celebrating the WOW Gal  in Every Woman

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